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ABRSM Grade 1 (2023 - 2024)
A1 (2023 & 2024) - Allegretto in C by A. Diabelli
#1: Introduction + sheet music (2:55)
#2a: Tempo (0:59)
#2b: Bars 1-8, Right Hand (3:01)
#2c: Repeats? (0:23)
#2d: Bars 9-16, Right Hand (1:44)
#3a: Chord I & V (1:33)
#3b: Bars 1-8, Left Hand (1:22)
#3c: Bars 17-24, Left Hand (1:44)
#3d: Bars 9-16, Left Hand (1:41)
#3e: Bars 9-24, Left Hand (1:16)
#4a: Right Hand (1:18)
#4b: Left Hand (1:02)
#5a: Rhythm First (1:24)
#5b: Bars 1-8, Hands Together (1:38)
#5c: Bars 17-24, Hands Together (2:02)
#5d: Bars 9-16, Hands Together (2:00)
#6: Straight Through, Steady Tempo (1:07)
#7: Performance (2:52)
A2 (2023 & 2024) - Dragonflies by Marjorie Helyer
A3 (2023 & 2024) - Minuet in C by Alexander Reinagle
Performance + sheet music
B1 (2023 & 2024) - Fresh Air by Andrew Eales
#1: Introduction (2:53)
#2: Right Hand (9:48)
#3: Left Hand (2:38)
#4: Chords (3:28)
#5: Hands Together (7:11)
#6: Performance (2:27)
B2 (2023 & 2024) - A Morning Sunbeam by Florence Price
Performance + sheet music
B3 (2023 & 2024) - The Quiet Wood by Michael Wood
C1 (2023 & 2024) - Virginia Hall by Shruthi Rajasekar
C2 (2023 & 2024) - Sneaky Business by Martha Mier
#1: Introduction (1:22)
#2: Left Hand (3:49)
#3: Swing (3:20)
#4: Right Hand (6:48)
#5: Hands Together - Tricky Bits (3:06)
#6: Hands Together - Steadily (2:40)
#7: Hands Together - with Backing Track + backing tracks (2:08)
#8: Hands Together - Solo Piano (1:01)
C3 (2023 & 2024) - Little Whale Explores the Calm Sea by Caroline Tyler
Teach online with
#4b: Left Hand
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